Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Walk for Feeding America

I love making use of the "2 birds, 1 stone" cliche. My accounting duties sometimes leads me to make a trip to the bank. Today was just such a day, but instead of taking the car, I opted to provide some meals for hungry people. Having put my gym bag in the car yesterday, I knew it would be the perfect day to get some exercise, feed some people and get my bank deposit in. Wait a minute! I think that's 3 birds with 1 stone! So, a quick 48 minute walk left me with 2 miles conquered and 4 meals provided. Huzzah!

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Amazon Smile

So, when I'm not walking for charity, I'm happy to have the option to shop for charity. One of my very favorite places to shop is Amazon. I assume this is because I hate to shop and can do my shopping on Amazon from the convenience of my laptop and chair. I was extremely happy the other day when I got redirected to AmazonSmile after making a purchase. Normally, I don't pay much attention to the confirmation page after I make a purchase because I get an email update with the order information. But the word "Smile" caught my attention. So, after realizing that how I shop can benefit a charity, I was onboard. All I have to do is go to the AmazonSmile site and do my shopping with my regular login? Sweet!

To find out more about AmazonSmile, visit their About page. Since I'm now supporting this cause, I will share once a month how much I raised for my preferred charity by using AmazonSmile. And since I do a lot of shopping with Amazon, I hope to raise lots of money for these great organizations.

Friday, May 16, 2014

Stroll for Feeding America

Today, the weather was gorgeous. I knew that after work, I wanted to get out for a stroll with the munchkin. So, Cliff walked the dogs, while I pushed the stroller. We spent 30 minutes walking leisurely through the neighborhood. We managed to walk for a mile, which means that we both provided 2 meals each to hungry families (4 meals total).