Friday, October 10, 2014

The Turtle Trot

Today, I brought both pairs of shoes because I wasn't sure for which exercise I would opt. My running partner had said something about getting out on the trail today, but when I contacted her this morning, she said she couldn't make it. So, I pondered if I should run or spin. A busy morning at work decided for me as I missed the opportunity to go to the gym for spin. So, around 12:15, I hit the trail. I pushed myself much harder than I should have, but I really wanted to increase my last solo distance, even by just a little. I did it! I made it over three miles (barely).

On my cool-down walk back to my car, I saw a few little turtles in the creek, sunbathing on a rock. At first I just acknowledged them and continued walking. But then I started thinking that it would be great to get a shot of them for my collage. Two of them got camera shy and darted into the water before I could snap the photo, but I managed to get one of them still lazing in the sun.

Anyway, even though I pushed myself too hard, I still managed to feed six people during my lunch break. Charity Miles has been such a great motivator for my runs.

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